Family Support
At Manor Park, we offer highly effective support for our children and families.
This is led by our Pastoral Leader, Miss Jo Green alongside our Learning Mentor, Miss Dornne Newton.
If you would like to speak to a member of our Pastoral Team, please contact the School Office.
To offer this superb support we engage with a number of agencies, and are delighted to be able to share some of these agencies with you:
Route2Wellbeing Birmingham
Route2wellbeing Birmingham – this guide to local voluntary and community health and care services in Birmingham makes it easy to find local services and activities that promote good health and wellbeing. You will find support for food, befriending, mental health, financial advice and much more.
Online Parenting Course
From Birmingham with Love have pre-paid for every parent in Birmingham to access a parenting course. Just enter the access code “COMMUNITY” at the top of the page to claim. There are courses for parents, carers and grandparents of children from birth to 19 years. Learn about how your child develops, and get tips to manage their behaviour.
Helping you to live well in Birmingham
An online information and advice guide, community directory and marketplace for citizens of Birmingham.
Problems with Drugs or Alcohol
A new, discrete app called Staying Free is available on Android or Apple. Use the code “birmingham11” for pre-paid access. To speak to someone call Change Grow Live.
Domestic Abuse
For women and children affected by domestic abuse please see guidance or confidentially contact Birmingham and Solihull Women’s Aid.
For Men, please contact Respect – see links below.
Food and Essentials
For information and support available to help people in short-term crisis with food and essential items visit
If you are struggling with food insecurity there is help available. The Trussell Trust support a nationwide network of food banks and provide emergency food and support to local people. Our local Foodbank is the Salvation Army opposite the school. Contact Miss Green for support with food bank vouchers.
Financial Help
If you’ve lost your job, or are struggling for food or rent there are services that can help. Local welfare provision can make a big difference if you are in a crisis and need food, fuel or basic white goods. Discretionary Housing Payments may be able to help with rent.