Religious Education
At Manor Park Primary Academy, we follow the locally agreed syllabus for Religious Education.
On 8th February, 2022, the Cabinet of Birmingham City Council adopted a new, locally agreed syllabus for Religious Education for the city. The syllabus had previously been unanimously agreed by the Birmingham Agreed Syllabus Conference following an extensive consultation and drafting process. That process ensured that the major Faith Communities and a representative nominated by Birmingham Humanists in the city reached agreement with the teachers of Religious Education and the City Council on the content of Religious Education. The 2022 syllabus continues in the same direction as the 2007 syllabus with the learning driven through 24 dispositions. These dispositions represent pluralistic British values and ensure that Birmingham’s children have their hearts and minds expanded so that their lives can be led in a city united through interconnected communities.
You can find out more about the Agreed Syllabus on the SACRE Homepage